
According to the “Act of providing financial assistance and protection for persons with disability”, a person with disabilities is considered to be, anyone with a long-term physical, mental or depressive condition will be among those with disabilities who are unable to participate fully in the rest of the community.
Persons with disabilities should enjoy all the same rights as others. These rights shall be granted to all disabled persons without any exception whatsoever and without distinction or discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, state of wealth, birth or any other situation applying either to the disabled person himself or herself or to his or her family.
Persons with disabilities have the inherent right to respect for their human dignity. Also, they have the same right as all citizens to acquire, own, inherit, give and communicate with the property.
Persons with disabilities who are unable to cite their property or from their inheritance, as gifts, charitable or property may be authorized by the judicial system to spend in accordance with Islamic law. And his entrusted should use this power only for the benefit of the owner of the property in his hands. Otherwise, it is prohibited to use that power.
Persons with disabilities should also be given the opportunity to participate fully in all areas of life and livelihood, and the opportunity to access, use transport facilities, information, transactions, premises, means of transport, public resources and services as others to facilitate them.

What are the responsibilities for protecting the rights of persons with disabilities?

  • Establishing the necessary laws and administrative measures to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.
  • To establish laws and administrative measures to eliminate discrimination.
  • Protecting the rights of persons with disabilities when formulating policies and programs.
  • Stopping acts that obstruct the rights of persons with disabilities.
  • Ensuring public respect for the rights of persons with disabilities.
  • Ensuring respect for the rights of persons with disabilities.
  • To encourage another party to obtain and research information on products aimed at persons with disabilities.
  • Providing information on such products to persons with disabilities.

Important Documents